Hey there, future roommate — nice to meet you! You don’t know me but I want to live in your house. Crazy right? Not quite. I’m a decent person who knows how to live with others. I have cool job, wholesome hobbies and love to make my living space feel like home. I think we'll get along.

  • Demographics

    Human male of 23 years

  • Employment

    Product designer at Young+Co

  • Sleep schedule

    Wake early, sleep early

  • Reason for moving

    Relocating from Canada for job

Living with others

On weekdays, I’m a simple person. My work is important to me, so I’m looking for home to be a place of rest. I’ll usually come back in the evening, chat for a bit and turn in around 10PM.

But life is not all about work. On weekends, I’m down to hang out, go out or have people over. We don’t need to be best friends, but since we all live together it’d be cool if we got along and enjoyed each others’ company.

Reviews from ex-roommates

Yes, I'm Dylan on airbnb. Long story.


I work as a product designer at a small agency in soma. We do projects for large tech companies in the Bay area. It’s a ton of fun and everybody is awesome. You can see some of my work here.


Outside of work, I’m into outdoorsy stuff. I bike everyday and try to rock climb a few times a week. When I get the chance, I also love to hike.

I’m also a pop culture nerd. I love talking about movies, TV, video games, and all forms of narrative media. In fact, I make good conversation everything except sports.


Home is more than a place to sleep. Whenever I have the time, I love to cook and share food. My favourite memories were made with friends around the dinner table.

I also love any project that makes our space more homey. Level a poster? Sure. Grow some herbs? Ok! Host board game nights? Yes, please!